
We are here to help you advance to the next level of your career and to provide you with the skills to “walk in the room and own it!”  You may be preparing for a promotion, career change, or just simply want to enhance your overall image and feminine or gentleman qualities.  You deserve whatever it is that you are seeking, and we want to help you become more polished and professional along your journey. These trainings are great for enhancing your overall confidence; professionally and socially.

*Please note:  The in-person option may include some virtual sessions as well.

The Polished Employee – Three Sessions 

  • Networking
  • Proper Introductions
  • Self-Presentation
  • Correct Handshake & Direct Eye Contact
  • Posture/Power Stride
  • Proper Communication; Socially & Professionally

The Elite Executive – Five Sessions 

  • The Polished Employee +
  • Body Language
  • Professional’s Code

The Top CEO – Seven Sessions 

  • The Elite Executive +
  • Public Speaking
  • Image Consulting
  • Dining Etiquette

Child (Ages 13-17)

Children are magical and fearless, but sometimes they can find it challenging to leverage off of their good points.  This is often due to self-esteem issues and feeling uncomfortable in certain social settings. The private, in-depth trainings are designed to provide them with the proper skills to handle social situations with poise and confidence, as well as enhance their self-esteem and polish their overall feminine or gentleman qualities.  If they are going to a new grade, want to take on a leadership position, prepping for a special occasion, etc. -Whatever the life event is, parents, we are here to help!

Boys and Girls

*Please note:  The in-person option may include some virtual sessions as well.

Poised and Polished – Two Sessions 

  • Proper Introductions
  • Correct Handshake & Direct Eye Contact
  • Posture
  • Walking
  • Conversation Skills
  • Where to Walk
  • When to Stand

The Social Club President -Four Sessions 

  • Poised & Polished+
  • Networking
  • Leadership Skills
  • Planning Your Wardrobe

The High-End Socialite – Six Sessions 

  • The Social Club President+
  • Dining Etiquette
  • Public Speaking

Extra VIP Options
This option is available under training. This is great if you need quick social advice, you are prepping for an event, or simply need a refresher on a particular topic. Please use the special request option if you need extra training services/hours other than what is listed.

  • Dining Etiquette (1.5 – 2 hours) *In-person only
  • Refresher/Mini Consultation (45 minutes)